Hakomi Body-Centered Self Discovery

I found Hakomi extremely useful on my own spiritual path, and have seen great breakthroughs for many others, as well.  Unresolved beliefs, core issues and repressed emotions can lock up our energy and attention. The Hakomi process gently frees these resources so we can explore and uncover our Truth. Even a few sessions can make one more available to Oneself.

Hakomi is a body-centered type of  therapy that is useful in one’s own self-discovery process. Done in mindfulness, awareness is gently brought to present moment bodily sensations and expressions. These sensations and expressions are windows into long-held unconscious beliefs and assumptions that have shaped and determined how we see and interact with the world. Once brought into the light of consciousness, these uncovered beliefs and assumptions begin to unravel, and the energy of the body moves more freely.  Additional healing occurs as missing experiences and new possibilities are tried out in a nourishing environment.  The mind’s past or future storyline is honored, but not focused on.

Hakomi is over 60 years old and is one of the first body-centered psychotherapies available.  It draws from and uses the best of Reichian work, Bioenergetics, Gestalt, Feldenkrais, Structural Bodywork, Focusing, and Neurolinguistic Programming, among other works.

I began practicing the Hakomi Method in 2003, and have been a Certified Hakomi Therapist since 2009.  Find more information about Hakomi at  www.Hakomiinstitute.com.

Private Sessions and Group Sessions (working with intimate partners, or 2 or 3 close friends) are both available.  Scheduling 2 or more hours is recommended for groups. In person sessions are in the Boulder, CO area.  Zoom sessions are available also.